Ch 2 - Untitled Chapter

I have been raped for the past two days! I do not know who is doing this! I have never seen their faces! When they do this to me, my eyes, hands, legs, face tightly tied! I have no energy to move! I can't protest, only the screams and tears inside the chest protest that no one understands! I do not know when to get rid of this hell pain! These four walls seem more terrible to me than the grave! It is better to die than to live like this!

But I can't even do that, I don't have the courage to die! It takes a lot of courage to commit suicide which I don't have! I'm just thinking about the faces of my 4 loved ones, what will happen to them if I die? And if they know this, they will die even if they live! It would be good if they killed me! My life was the darkest day when they brought me here!
As always, I was returning home in Gulshan that day! Because of the lockdown, there is not much movement of people! I have to work as a home tutor to make ends meet! Although it is now forbidden to leave the house, the stomach does not accept this, due to which I have to go out with a lot of blockage! I have to spend the honors life with my tuition! Some of the money received from there sent home! Mother and father use some of them to read the younger siblings! Since his father's accident, he stays at home!
Mother runs the family by working a little! This is how our poor family is running in poverty! This time the younger sister demanded, "Bring a good looking calculator for me when Rumi Apu comes, the previous one is broken! And I want a remote control car of my brother!" It will be difficult for me to give these things today, but I told them with a smile, "Study with heart, you will get everything!" They are very happy!
It was a little late to come home after finishing tuition that day! The rent is currently high and now if I spend money on the car then I will not be able to meet their requirements! At first, I thought I would walk the entire 1-hour route! Everything was normal, this was a disaster after coming to Gulsan! Someone grabbed my nose from behind, I lost consciousness!
When I regained consciousness I found myself in the four walls of a broken room! I tried a lot to run myself but I could not! My hands and feet and face are very tight! There is no scattered light anywhere in the house! I realized I was kidnapped! But I do not know who or who did this! I have no enemies in this city, and no friends! There are only 2,1 people, they may not know about my kidnapping!
The whole room is so dark that I could not see myself! I was only afraid that they would not kill me? I have no enmity with anyone, but? Are they traffickers? Or kidnap girls and sell their eyes and kidneys? Or make them consumer goods?
On the first day, nothing happened! The next day at night my last thought came true! 3 boys opened the door and entered! There is a little light in the house because of Josna outside! In these 2 days they did not give me a drop of water or any food! They entered the house and said to each other,
- Yes, do not do anything to Malta? But look good!
In response, another person said, "Hey, wait, open his mouth first, the bird might be hungry! If you don't give him something to eat, it won't be fun!"
Others are laughing after hearing these words! I do not know the voice of any of them! I realized that they are going to do something bad with me!
When I opened my mouth, I screamed heartily, save me! But my scream echoed in the four walls and came back to my ears! I screamed, "Anybody? Save me please!" This time my scream stuck in the four walls!
The three of them are laughing after hearing my scream! That horrible smile is killing me! I can't even imagine how terrible their appearance will be! I'm just calling the living God!
One came forward and poured water in my mouth! I drank it like a thirsty crow! My life is almost nothing to eat! Now I feel like I got my life back! Then one of them said, "Should I do something now?" In response, another said yes! I gave him a rest yesterday, not today! After listening to them, I could not understand what was going to happen to me!
I pleaded with them, "Please let me go, let me go! Don't destroy me so much!" They are laughing loudly after listening to me and saying, "Did I bring you to worship the parrot?" They are moving towards me one by one!
 I can't see anything inside the door closed! However, to save myself, I kicked one of them with my legs! Being in a lot of pain, he moved away and said, "Shalir is quite hurt!
Tie it well Roshan and Raju! Close your eyes so as not to see anything! Even though the room is dark and we are wearing masks, there is no need to be careful! The three of them started moving towards me, I shouted again, "Anyone? Please save me!" They laughed at my screams and said, "Shout as much as you can Shali, no one will come here to save you!"
2 people held me and tied my face and eyes tightly! I became dull! They began to torture me physically! I could not protest! 
When they went to loosen my hand! And next to some food and a little water would be left! Maybe they needed me as a commodity so they kept me alive! I'm completely broken! There was no desire to survive!
Once thought to commit suicide, but thinking about the family did not do it! I don't know if there is any point in my life? Mother, father will die if they know! What will I answer to society? The society will blame me for this, they will say that you are a rapist! Do not veil, dress is not good! "But they will never think about me!
I fell down on the floor!
The next day they came again! Physical abuse on me again! I could not stop again! They took everything from me and tied my hands and feet, eyes and face! I did not see any of their faces this time! I understand that they will not kill me so easily! They will keep me as their commodity until their taste is satisfied! The 2nd time with me because of this, I have no desire to live!
Because of not eating anything except water for 3 days, my body did not have any energy to find a way to commit suicide! I started crying because of myself! I fell asleep crying!
I woke up in the middle of the night with the sound of something rubbing on the wall! It seems as if someone is rubbing bricks or stones very loudly on the wall! But there is no one else in the room except me! I blew it thinking it was a mistake!
That word again, but this time the word is louder! I was a little scared! It's not the fear of killing, I'm afraid it will happen to me again! Somehow I raised myself and wrapped myself against the wall! The sound stopped!
I started crying and thought that my mother and father must be searching like crazy without finding me on the phone! They may have taken the purse with me! Mother, father may come to Dhaka to find me! Will I see the last of them? Can I fulfill the obligation of my younger brother and sister? Well, will they leave me alive at all? Or will they kill me when they need it? No, I want to live!
If not, who will see my family? But will I be able to show my face alive in front of them? Thinking of these, I began to cry more!
Then I heard the word again! It seems that someone is rubbing something on the wall with intense anger! The voice suddenly stopped!
Now I got the sound of someone knocking on the door! Now I was afraid, maybe they are coming again! But no, the sound is coming from inside the house! It seems like someone is trying to get out of the house! But there is no one in the house but me, but who is doing this? I zinged in the neck Kapakapa who? Only the sound of laughter came in response!
to be continued