
[Dress does not make a man perfect]

           ( Sheikh Sa'adi)

Sheikh Sa'adi was a famous poet, an earnest devotee, and a great Saint. His thirst for knowledge was unbounded and he traveled far and wide. He was held in high esteem by all for his wisdom, learning, and piety.

Once, at the invitation of king of Jalaluddin Seiyuu, Sa'adi was going to his court. On his way, he took shelter for a night in the house of a novel man. But he was, as usual, in his simple dress and was not warmly received by the host. The novel man took him for an ordinary man. A few days later, the great poet was returning home from the royal court. That time he was in a costly dress. At dusk, he reached that nobleman's house and wanted to pass the night there. The nobleman himself stepped down and gave him a warm reception. A grand feast was arranged for his honor. He was served rich dishes but he was not eating. But he was taking food off the plates and putting them in his pockets. The nobleman saw this and was surprised. " What are you doing. sir? Why don't  you eat?" Asked he." I am doing the right thing, oh! noble man, my dress deserves these rich dishes. So, I'm putting the food in my pockets," replied the poet. At this, the noble man bowed his head with shame. He realized his fault and begged pardon for his noble guest. From this story, we learn--- " All that glitters is not gold."


     [  Sheikh Sa'adi and the Robbers ]

Sheikh Sa'adi was going to Baghdad with a group of rich merchants. He had a bundle of books and some money with him. The merchants had their goods and a lot of money. They traveled without any problem for twelve days. On the thirteenth day, a group of robbers attacked them. The Robbers took away all the money and valuables of the merchants. One of the caught Sa'adi and told him to give him what he had. Sa'adi gave him the bundle to book and said,"  I hope you will make good use of these books." The leader of the Robbers become surprised at his word and asked him how he would make good use of the books. Sa'adi told him to give the books to his children and appoint a good teacher for them. Then they would tell him how sinful it is to snatch away others Mony. The leader become repentant and returned all the money and gave up robbery....


(Wisdom of king Solomon)

             [King of Solomon]

King Solomon was the wisest man of his time. His fame spread far and wide. Everyday many people asked him different questions. He answered all their questions perfectly. So, the king was called, the king of the wise. Queen of Sheba ruled another country. Hearing the name and fame of Solomon, she decided to test his wisdom. The queen went to Solomon's court. She took with her two garlands---- one of real rose and the other of artificial rose's. But both of the garlands looked quite alike. The queen placed them on the table and said," Oh! wise king, please look at the garlands. And please tell me, which one is of real rose's." Solomon thought for some time. It was very difficult to identify the real one. Just then he saw some bees humming outside the window. King Solomon told his man to open the window. Then the bees came in and sat on the garland of real flowers. King Solomon then pointed to that garland. The queen of Sheba was greatly charmed at his wisdom. She said,"  May God grant you long life. You are really ' Solomon the wise'."


          [The Gift of the Magi]

Della and Jim were a young couple who loved each other a lot. Their love had no limits. Though they were very poor, they were proud of their true love. They used to spend to together a lot. It's was the month of December; Christmas was knocking at the door. So, Jim thought of buying Della a gift. Della had very long hair but she did not have any comb. Jim wanted to buy her one. Sadly,he did not have enough money. But Jim had a nice and old gold watch. He could not wear it as it did not have any chain. So, he planned to sell it. On the other hand , Della had been waiting for long for this happy occasion to buy Jim a chain for his watch. She did not have Mony either. After thinking for a long time, Della decided to cut her hair and sell it. She had been saving for a Christmas present for Jim but that was only a little money. As planned, she cut her hair and sold it. She bought a chain for Jim's watch. Similarly, Jim bought a comb for her beautiful hair. But when the two met, they both got surprised. Both Jim and Della could realize that despite being poor, their love for each other never faded....

My favourite writers and poets. I am love this poet. But my perfect developed this subject. How impossible my life injoy them all person and all human. I am poor but honest. My father and Mather dead. I am only along. My life,my depression. A proverb.. you learn more and more your prospering life.


I wandered lonely as a cloudh

That floats on high o'er vales and hills.

When all at once  I saw a crowed,

A host,of golden daffodils.

Beside the lake , beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the star's the shine,

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never ending line,

Along the margin of a boy.

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance..

The poet depicts the beauty of  the golden unparallel beauty..

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